The LBFP - Rechtsanwalte law firm in Bozen/Bolzano provides advice on both civil and criminal law matters.

Please do not hesitate to contact the law firm in Bolzano for information, appointments and personalised advice.

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Workplace law

The Law Firm in Bolzano also provides advice and assistance in the field of labour law, in matters of individual and collective dismissals, demotion, mobbing and in all disputes concerning the relationship between business and work. The firm's team not only deals with employment relationships, but also with para-subordinate relationships, agency and other relationships falling under the jurisdiction of the labour courts. 

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Industrial law and intellectual property

The Bolzano law firm also works in the field of national, Community and international registrations of trademarks and designs, with extension to all countries of the Madrid Agreement and Protocol; it deals with worldwide surveillance of trademark portfolios; contractual matters, patents and utility models; active and passive out-of-court and in-court, ordinary and precautionary defence in matters of trademarks, designs, patents and utility models; filing of software, unpublished works and formats with the SIAE and the Copyright Office in Washington; copyright contracts; out-of-court and in-court, ordinary and precautionary defence in copyright matters; repression of parasitic conduct and unfair competition in general.

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